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Potential matches from contract method database:
IMPORTANT: This information is a best guess based on similar functions from other verified contracts. To have guaranteed accuracy, use the link above to verify the contract's source code.claim(address arg0, uint256 arg1, uint256 arg2, uint256 arg3, uint8 arg4, bytes32 arg5, bytes32 arg6):
Method Id | 0x70142269 |
Call | claim(address arg0, uint256 arg1, uint256 arg2, uint256 arg3, uint8 arg4, bytes32 arg5, bytes32 arg6) |
Name | Type | Data |
arg0 | address |
arg1 | uint256 |
arg2 | uint256 |
arg3 | uint256 |
arg4 | uint8 |
arg5 | bytes32 |
arg6 | bytes32 |
- Address
VEToken | 0x950A77538DB391110def6aA9ECBC7706455aD006
- Decoded
Method Id 0xddf252ad
Call Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
Name Type Indexed? Data from address true 0x39896e00931f0b8b7092a7070148c002ee3e1cae
to address true 0xd0393fe1d6d992e03067558c5f0a01579106b858
value uint256 false 10258997535360000000000
- Topics
[0] 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef[1] 0x00000000000000000000000039896e00931f0b8b7092a7070148c002ee3e1cae[2] 0x000000000000000000000000d0393fe1d6d992e03067558c5f0a01579106b858
- Data
- Log Index
- Address
- Topics
[0] 0xf7a40077ff7a04c7e61f6f26fb13774259ddf1b6bce9ecf26a8276cdd3992683[1] 0x000000000000000000000000d0393fe1d6d992e03067558c5f0a01579106b858[2] 0x000000000000000000000000950a77538db391110def6aa9ecbc7706455ad006
- Data
- Log Index